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Philippine Military Academy Entrance Examination 2021


The Philippine Military Academy Entrance Exam (PMAEE) is set every 3rd quarter of the year in the 44 testing centers nationwide. The successful passers of this exam will have a chance to be part of the Philippine Military Academy class of 2025 and become an officer to the three branches of the military forces of Armed Forces of the Philippines; the Philippine Army, the Philippine Air Force, and the Philippine Navy (including the Marine Corps). 

In every 2nd quarter of the year the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) opens the application system for PMAEE for aspiring PMA Cadets. On this page, I write the comprehensive details of the application process, requirements, and qualifications for the PMA Entrance Exam (PMAEE) to become a PMA Cadet.

What is the Philippine Military Academy Entrance Exam (PMAEE)?

The Philippine Military Academy Entrance Exam (PMAEE) is a test for an individual to an aspiring cadet and study in the prestigious facility of Philippine Military Academy.

Qualifications for PMA Entrance Exam

According to the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), to qualify to take the PMA Entrance Exam the applicant must be:

  • A Natural Born Filipino Citizen.
  • Minimum height of 5 feet for both men and women.
  • Physically fit and of good moral character.
  • Single and has never been married, not pregnant nor have a legal obligation to support a child or children
  • At least high school graduate with an 85% GPA.
  • Grade 12 senior high (K-12) may take the exam provided that they graduate.
  • At least 17 years old and not more than 22 years old on 01 April of the year of admission.

Where to apply for the PMA entrance exam?

There are three ways to process your application for the PMA entrance exam; via online, mail, or go directly to the Office of Cadet Admission in Baguio City.

  • For Online application, you need to register to the Online Application System of PMA; filled up the necessary details like personal information, educational background and upload the needed requirements like High School Form 137 or Form 138 and PSA copy of Birth Certificate. Once the system validated your application, you will receive a downloadable EXAM PERMIT in your account.
  • For application via mail, scan and fill up the application form. After that prepare the full accomplished application form along with a 2×2 ID picture with white background, photocopies of your birth certificate, and a high school form 137 or form 138. And send it to this address: OFFICE OF THE CADET ADMISSION, Philippine Military Academy, Fort Gregorio del Pilar 2602, Baguio City. Wait for their response via your indicated email in the application form.
  • For walk-in applicants, bring the application (filled up) form along with a 2×2 ID picture with white background, photocopies of your birth certificate, and a high school form 137 or form 138. Then give it directly to the OFFICE OF THE CADET ADMISSION and wait for the EXAM Permit.

Things to know before taking the PMA Entrance Exam?

After the approval of your application, you will wait for the examination date and go to the testing center that you indicated in the application with your exam permit so you will be allowed by the Proctors to take the Exam. Also, bring the Photocopy of Birth Certificate and Grades, 2 x 2 ID Picture, Valid ID (preferably school/driver’s license, and at least 2 (no.2) pencils. 

The coverage of the exam is algebra, geometry, grammar, composition, reading comprehension, verbal/numerical reasoning, and pattern analysis that aims to measure the mental ability and capability of applicants.

The result of the exam will be published in newspapers, via the PMA website and it will inform passers via email after 30 days of examination date.

Screening Stage


If you passed the PMA Entrance Exam you will receive a written notice from OFFICE OF THE CADET ADMISSION informing you to report to the AFP Medical Center (AFPMC) to undergo Complete Physical Examination (CPE) to test your physical, mental and emotional condition if you fit to become a PMA Cadet.

The Minimum Requirements for Physical Fitness Test (PFT):

  • Push-Ups: Male 30 reps; Female 25 reps
  • Sit-ups: Male 30 reps; Female 25 reps
  • Pullups: Male 10 reps; Female 7 reps
  • A 3.2 km run for both male and female

Also, the applicant must don’t have a medical condition that will disqualify him/her to become an PMA Cadet:

  • color blindness
  • any communicable disease
  • physical deformities
  • scoliosis
  • tattoos
  • other medical conditions as determined by AFP Medical Board Nr 1

After you passed this test you will now ready to study in the Philippine Military Academy and give you benefits and privilege:

  • Privilege and honor of serving our country
  • Free College Education
  • Monthly Salary and Allowances
  • State of the art training facilities
  • A progressive and rewarding career as an officer in the Philippine Army, Philippine Navy, and Philippine Air force

The Armed Forces of the Philippines are still lacking soldiers that willing to serve their country at all cause. The total military personnel of AFP are 305,000; 125,000 (as of 2019) actively serving personnel and 180,000 reserve personnel. The move of the Philippine Military Academy in recruiting individuals to become a PMA Cadet is very strategic to boost the patriotism of every Filipinos and willingness to serve the country.


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